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At the start of the pandemic, I was featured in an original song cycle written by Michael Gribble called: A Summer in Madtown.  The show discusses human connection, and how we navigate the madness of life.



Give it a watch! :)

I am passionate about all things musical theatre, and was able to play one of my dream roles in Chapman on Broadway's production of Heathers: The Musical.  I think that theatre has the ability to truly teach and change an audience if done correctly.  I love provocative and edgy theatre and am excited to see what new ways of telling stories arise.

Heathers the Musical Promo Photo.jpg

My most recent theatrical endeavor actually took place during the pandemic/quarantine.  My fellow actors/housemates built a blackbox space in our garage to put on a production of Lee Blessing's Lonesome Hollow.  The production was filmed from four webcams in each corner of the room to give the piece the sense that it was in-the-round, and the cameras acted as security cams, overlooking the events at this intense, dystopian gulag-style prison for sexual predators.

Growth and connection are extremely important to me and are why I continue to pursue theatre and art.  Theatre has given me the opportunity to continuously grow as a person as I meet and connect with more and more people. I think being able to achieve that kind of connection on a stage is what is most thrilling about theatre.  

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